April Flowers

As I write this, the showers haven’t come yet, it has been such a dry and sunny April so far. The flowers though … well, they came in abundance.  The bulbs planted last Autumn have erupted, starting our official growing season with a colourful bang.

What you will find in your bouquets in April

In the field - bulbs such as scented narcissi, tulips and fritillaries, wallflowers in shades from ‘Sunset’ to ‘Blood Red’, newly emerging foliage from the freshest green to luminous yellow.

In the woodland - blossom, blossom everywhere, including my favourite amelanchier (June berry) which has delicate, starry, blossom with copper toned new leaves, willow covered in catkins and the tiny, white bell-shaped flowers from pieris japonica.

April jobs for your own garden

Whether you are growing plants for your garden, some homegrown veggies to feed the family or starting your own cut flower patch; April is a month of seed sowing and keeping on top of seedlings sown earlier in Spring.

We succession sow which means sowing little and often to ensure a steady succession of flowers throughout the season. This is something you can do in your vegetable garden too.

For your cut flower patch - Sow hardy annuals directly and sow half hardy annuals under cover to set out after the last frosts. Prick out and pot on seedlings sown earlier in Spring. Plant out bulbs such as gladioli and acidanthera to flower and cut for the vase in late Summer.

For your vegetable garden - Succession sow quick-maturing vegetables, such as salads, spinach, carrots and peas. Sow tender vegetable crops such as tomatoes, courgettes and peppers in your greenhouse or on your window sill.

Keep ahead of those weeds buy tackling them little and often!

But most importantly, get outside and enjoy pottering about in the garden. It’s so good for the soul.

Rachel x


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